The Perfect Break Up
The Perfect Break Up © mulsha nkar13. All articles, scripts, poetry, prose, reviews written here are exclusive copyrights of mulshankar13. Any article, poetry, prose, story or reviews may be reused, quoted in full or as an excerpt only with attribution to "Source: mulshankar13". Commandment 1: Thou shall never argue with thou's husband. Commandment 2: Thou shall always get up before thou husband gets up in the morning. Commandment 3: Thou shall make sure that the breakfast is ready at 7 and the dinner at 8 no matter what work thou have at office. Commandment 4: Without an inch of a doubt thou must proclaim that thou’s husband is the greatest man alive on the earth and can never be wrong. Commandment 5: Thou shall quietly go and sulk in the bedroom if ever thou’s husband gets angry on you for in his holy feet lies thou’s salvation. Commandment 6: Thou shall never even admire any man...