Book Review: The Winning Way by Anita and Harsha Bhogle

Book Review: The Winning Way by Anita and Harsha Bhogle Quite often than rare books on the so called key to success and positivity in life seem to be quite sermonic but not this time is the case. Brilliantly drawing parallels from the field of sports and elaborating how wonderfully they can be applied to corporate and day to day life is a beautiful tale told by both Anita and Harsha Bhogle. What keeps the winning cycle ticking? Harsha and Anita put it simply as attributes such as team goals always having a higher precedence over personal goals; culling at the right time; do the one percent things correctly; non-negotiable work ethic; the right attitude is paramount besides ability and passion. This applies for both sports and corporate houses. The Bhogles make the reader sit up when they describe that how a chronic winner actually kills all hopes of their rivals when they mention of the mighty Aussies in the field of cricket in the late nineties or the fear...