Ten Years To Taekwondo
Ten Years To Taekwondo
© mulshankar13.
All articles, scripts, poetry, prose, reviews written here are exclusive copyrights of mulshankar13. Any article, poetry, prose, story or reviews may be reused, quoted in full or as an excerpt only with attribution to “Source: mulshankar13”.
All articles, scripts, poetry, prose, reviews written here are exclusive copyrights of mulshankar13. Any article, poetry, prose, story or reviews may be reused, quoted in full or as an excerpt only with attribution to “Source: mulshankar13”.
Ten years. Ten long years does it take to learn an art, any art for that matter. And it’s no exception with martial art. Although I am never sure if I would ever be able to learn Taekwondo perfectly in the decade to come yet the journey so far has been indubitably far more rewarding than the destination.
As I move on one day at a time learning this art I realize the metamorphosis within. Albeit at times too slow enough to be immediately evident both to oneself and others.
The ugly spat that you just witnessed on the road between the two unrelated strangers yesterday wouldn’t unsettle you anymore. Doubts such as “Were it to happen to me what would have I done” would evaporate into the space.
You begin to realize slowly that you were not a coward to have had walked out of the confrontation with the bully on the road. It was not worth a fight and you did the right thing.
You would slowly start being at peace with yourself despite failing to solve the hackathon puzzle at your screen and gather yourself up quicker collating your priorities and abilities.
One fine day you would realize that you have been working on your computer or writing into your notebook or working over the linear algebra problem for quite a few hours since then and without the noise made by the monkey mind within. Well, you have just been able to tame the monkey mind and that too without paying a fee to the local psychiatrist.
You start realizing that there is an extra spring in your step as you keep on practicing martial arts. You have a refined sense of purpose in your endeavours.
While I have never promised myself yet that I would reach the black belt leave aside graduating as a master in this art I know one thing for sure that I have made a good choice. A choice to stay healthier and at peace with myself every day. And better than the day before.
That’s why I practice martial arts. I practice Taekwondo.
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